For all the people who say that today's music is terrible, please stop. For anyone that says we need a "rock revolution", please stop. For anyone that thinks we need to bring back the classic rock sound of the 70s...please stop. You are only saying this because you have based your entire opinion of today's music on the four songs you've heard on the radio. The fact of the matter is that music today is good. It's very very very good. You are either just old or lazy and can't be bothered to do ten minutes of searching.
I'm not saying that classic rock from the 70s is bad. It's actually really good. It was a necessary step in the evolution of music and I still love so many bands that were big in that era, including Led Zeppelin. I love bands like Rush, Pink Floyd, Yes, The Doors. I love The Beatles solo albums that came out in the 70s, the shining example being George Harrison's incredible album All Things Must Pass, which was released in the first year of the decade.
I also love so much music that is released today. Some of it you don't have to dig too deep to find. There are great artists being played on the radio, like Portugal. The Man, Lorde, Kendrick Lamar, and Adele. There are great artists that are lesser known, like Explosions in the Sky, The Dear Hunter, and Deer Tick. These are just a small example of the vast amount of great music being released today.
And then there is Greta Van Fleet...
I don't know why they make me so irrationally angry. I think maybe because they are gaining so much traction off a sound they completely ripped off from Led Zeppelin. And please don't give me this bullshit line I keep hearing that "Led Zeppelin stole their sound too." Sure, maybe they did take their sound from other artists, but they did not steal an entire persona, an entire vocal style and write the same boring sounding guitar riff on every song.
I didn't come up with this phrase but it fits so well. Greta Van Fleet is a boy band for dads. They are One Direction for 60 year olds. They exist and are enabled by a generation of sneaker wearing old dudes who think rock n'roll died in the 80s.
Here's the most annoying part about this band...they refuse to acknowledge that they sound anything like Zeppelin. They say their biggest influence is Aerosmith. Sure it is...
They know they are ripping off Zeppelin and it really irks me. It shouldn't but it does. I hate how they "validate" the stupid argument that we need a musical revolution. NEWS FLASH WE DON'T. The only way I will respect this bullshit cover band is if they change their sound and gain some originality on their full length record. For now though, I won't hold my breath.