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The Daily Nerd Blog

Writer's pictureJosh Wagner

Happy Pi Day!

Today is National Pi Day! I didn’t spell ‘pie’ wrong. I’m talking about the other pi. The one we all learned about in school; 3.14159265359….

For those who didn’t pay attention in school, pi is an irrational number. It can’t be expressed using a fraction; like .25 = ¼. Which basically means that it’s an infinite decimal - it goes on forever. I wish my grandma’s pumpkin pie went on forever!

Speaking of pie, did you know Christian Bale ate a lot of pie to gain weight for his role in Vice? If you haven’t seen the movie - here is our take on Vice. Caution there are spoilers.

So, how should you celebrate Pi Day? By eating your favorite pizza, following Moonpie on Twitter and petting a pi-thon. *Ba Dum Chh*

Seriously, follow Moonpie on Twitter - they are awesome! And before you place a pizza order, be sure to s

ee if there are any deals first. Wishing everyone a, happy Pi Day and in the words of Homer Simpson; “mmm, pie!”



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