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I was rude to my Apple Carplay and now I think it's messing up my texts on purpose

Christian Renzi

Don’t be rude to your electronics because someday they might evolve and kill you. I know it sounds dramatic but I watched that YouTube video where the female robot, who is incredibly human like is brought on a British talk show and Piers Morgan calls her a freak and the robot looks visibly offended. It’s terrifying. I’ll link the clip in this article.

I just want to point out now to any disgruntled robots reading this, Piers Morgan does not represent the human race. Do not take his insults to be the general human consensus around life like robots. I’m saying this because I want to be spared in the upcoming robot world takeover.

I don’t usually get hysterical about robots. I was pretty upset when my father bought an Alexa for his house. Comedian Bill Burr described it perfectly when he asked on his podcast, “why would you voluntarily bug your own house?” It’s a good question Bill. I’m wondering the same thing.

The whole robot takeover thing came into my mind recently when I was driving in my car this afternoon. I’m one of the privileged owners of a 2017 Subaru Impreza equipped with Apple Carplay, which essentially reads your texts aloud to you and allows you to respond by talking.

Voice texting isn’t a new concept. It’s been around for a while but it hasn’t always been the best way to send a text message because it usually would miss a few words or you would inadvertently send some sorta sexual innuendo to a family member when it took the word “clock” and changed it to “cock.”

It seems to have improved in recent years and when I first started using Carplay I was impressed with how well it understood me. It even managed to understand a text I was sending about Rob Gronkowski. That’s impressive! But lately it seems like things have changed. Simple words appear to be getting lost in translation and I’m starting to wonder if my Carplay is upset with me.

I have this bad habit of calling it names when it doesn’t get the sentence completely correct. For some reason I take it personally. It’s like I feel as if it’s messing up on purpose, which is crazy. Or is it…?

Like I said when I started this article, don’t be rude to your electronics. I have this theory that the more I yell at my car for hearing me wrong the more it starts messing up on purpose to drive me insane. Basically I think my car is being petty because I’ve been short with it and now it's offended. Eventually it’s pettiness may evolve until it wanting full on revenge and it might just take over my entire car, forcing me off the road. You never know.



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